Improve your daily sense of well-being thanks to better self-awareness.

We coach individuals & teams with a growth mindset to reach a better understanding of who they are and where they want to go.

I’m here to help you thrive

Connection is key. With yourself and with the world.
Zuzanna, Founder of Mindshape

Mindshape provides guidance to help you understand your own needs, in order to stay connected with yourself on a daily basis to avoid the traps of the modern rat race.

We strongly believe this is a major part of the ‘solution’ towards facing all the challenges in today’s society, like burnout, stress, anxiety, depression, pressure, loneliness, and disconnection.

Through customized tools and specific exercises, we deep-dive together into the fundamental core and essence of your well-being, while listening to your body’s wisdom.

So, the only question that remains is… are you prepared to truly connect with yourself and experience your own potential? 

What Mindshape
can offer you

Individual coaching

A dedicated one-on-one and safe space where you can embark on a personalized journey through real-life and online guidance.

Deep-diving retreats

A unique opportunity to recharge and gain valuable, personal insights and tools, which you can use to integrate in your daily routine afterwards.

For your business

We create tailored offers for your team where we focus on leadership guidance, connection, collaboration, learning and growth.

At Mindshape, we believe in the power of your mind as a tool to connect with your body and emotions. Our approach combines our academic knowledge in psychology with more practical and corporate experiences.

Through a personalized toolbox, we don’t only encourage daily practice and small improvements. We also emphasize the importance of a sincere commitment to your journey.

Happiness is a daily practice.
Let’s start practicing together!

Commit to a daily practice of checking in with yourself to uncover the treasures within and create long-lasting positive change.

Through immersive activities & guidance, we encourage you to dive deep into your emotions, beliefs, and aspirations, fostering personal growth and clarity.

If you can imagine it, you can create it.’ Fully embrace your authentic self and gain confidence in your abilities to take actionable steps towards your best life.

We place a strong emphasis on practical, pragmatic and grounded guidance in a to-the-point, realistic and tangible way.

Join our next
deep-diving retreat