Everything begins with embracing your true, authentic and honest self.

Because you deserve to be valued!
By stripping away all the layers, actively listening to your personal desires and needs, and fully accepting yourself with your strengths and weaknesses, you can form a genuine connection, both with yourself and with others.

“We’re all perfectly imperfect.
We just have to realize it.”

About Zuzanna

From a young age, I carried the responsibility of looking after others, always placing their needs before my own. I often neglected my own feelings and went to great lengths to avoid inconveniencing anyone.

The outcome of this selflessness? I lost sight of my own need for care, attention, and love. This left me feeling invisible, insecure, and with a low self-esteem. It became evident that something needed to change. And I? I was the only person who could make this change possible.

I embarked on my personal journey and went on an adventure of self-discovery, dedication and learning to tune into the body’s cues. Through this, I rediscovered myself. I ceased the quest for external validation and reconnected with my authentic self at the very core. The result? The sense of self-worth, confidence and connection. 

Zuzanna, Founder of Mindshape

“This authentic, positive and pure mindset made me later realize:
I was actually my own primary client and the lessons that I learned could - and should! - guide others in their own transformational journeys.

From that day on, I really devoted myself to fully support and inspire people on their personal path.
And I’m still doing that today, with all my heart.”

Mindshape places a strong emphasis on practical, pragmatic and grounded guidance, consistently aligning its support with your everyday schedule and personal needs, in a to-the-point, realistic and tangible way.

A unique way of working together

Zuzanna's approach combines her knowledge in psychology ith more practical and corporate experiences. She believes in the power of your mind and uses it as a tool to connect with your body and feelings.

Through a personalized toolbox, she encourages daily practice with small, consistent improvements, and manages to emphasize the importance of a sincere commitment to your journey as well.

Are you curious to find out if Mindshape is the right fit for your needs?

Are you ready to go on your personal adventure?